Our First Seedy Saturday!

On April 13th we hosted our first annual Seedy Saturday at Eltuek Arts Centre where about 60 people came through and swapped seeds and seedlings!

Between 10 and 3 people brought their extra seeds from years passed or came to get seeds for the first time as well as to shop through a few garden-themed vendors! Hundreds of free seeds changed hands, amazing conversations were had, and garden friendships were made!

In addition to plants and preserves Zuzana of Zing Craft was also offering soil tests! 6 different families brought soil from their gardens for a rudimentary break down of the different components of their soil!

Why a free seed swap?

** note the cost of a pepper has gone up from $0.75 to $2.50, which means free seeds are needed all the more


Remembering the Sunflower U-Pick 🌻